
Leisure and integration

Some activities that are freely available to IMPA's students.

Student Colloquium

Fridays | 3:30 PM | Room 224

To propose a talk, contact Crislaine Kuster: crislaine.kuster [at] impa.br
Upcoming talks should appear at https://seminarios.impa.br/?lang=en_US.

Cine Möbius

Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Auditorium 3

To make a movie recommendation or get more information, send an e-mail to the Cine Möbius team: cinemamobius [at] gmail.com

Game Night

Thursdays | 7 PM | Tea Room

Any kind of game counts: board games, card games, mimic and drawing games... If you have any, feel welcome to bring it! Contact APG's board of directors for more information: apg@impa.br.


Mondays | 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM | Clube dos Macacos (Rua Pacheco Leão, 2038)

It switched to indoor soccer in the first semester of 2023. Talk to a member for more information.


Mondays | 4 PM to 6 PM | Clube dos Macacos (Rua Pacheco Leão, 2038)

Sometimes the participants meet at weekends to play at the beach. Talk to a member for more information.


Tuesdays | 6:30 PM to 8 PM | IMPA's barbecue area

Dance nights and partner dance workshops are held. For more information, contact IMPASSOS' team: Marcelo Carneiro (marcelo.carneiro [at] impa.br) or Mayumi Shiguihara (amshiguihara [at] pm.me).

Meditation Club

Fridays | 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM | 3rd floor balcony or Sala Multiuso

The first half is destined to meditation, which can be guided by alternating participants, and the second half is dedicated to drinking tea. For this purpose, it is recommended that each person brings their own cup.